In Front of a Good Start

The iXtra LiFe together with the Kverneland Optima precision seeder ensures that seeds are sown at the right place and applies the correct amount of liquid fertiliser at the same time. For the best start of the crop, the liquid fertiliser is placed close to the seed. The smart electronics on both seeder and front tank communicate so the application starts and stops together with each individual row. The iXtra LiFe provides liquid fertiliser close to the rows of the precision seeder. With the stricter fertilisation legislation an efficient nutrient application is key to reduce the total amount of fertiliser every year. Row fertilisation is a way to increase efficiency and save money due to a better placement of the fertiliser near the seeds.

The advantages

100% ISOBUS compatibilty

The liquid fertiliser will be placed near the seed row in one go and will create a faster start

Faster growing of the crop. This means a faster covering of the field to avoid weed development

Save costs of fertiliser and seeds, because of no overlap

In combination with Precision Seeders, liquid fertiliser during seeding is possible, see Kverneland Optima TFprofi/ Optima V/ Optima rigid/ Optima PH

Better use of nutrients